Monday, November 15, 2010

Friends and The Sunny Days

All you can hear is the waves crashing and the sun is going down as we arrive to the beach house. We had been in the car for five hours and we sat there just looking at the sun touching the water and the clouds spreading from the sun out. We were so excited to finally arrive at the beach house and realize we were there for a whole week. My parents jumped out of the car ready to make sure all the rooms where cleaned and ready for us to settle in. My brother, Dan, gets out of the car and goes straight to his room as mosquitoes were attacking him and he hadn’t put on any repellent, his friend, Fernando, follows him as he had never been to our beach house before. I got out of the car and grab my teddy and start walking towards my room while I explained to my friend Michelle where everything is as she as well had never been to our beach house. My parents at the time made sure everything was ready and then told us to come out so we could eat dinner. We all ate and then played some cards and listen to some salsa music and then went to sleep.
The next day Michelle and I woke up and sat on my bed , my bed covers were light blue and had pink starfishes ,  and were talking about how excited we were to be there and that her mom had let her come with me. Then we got ready and went out to have breakfast with the rest of the family. It was bright out side and it was still a bit breezy as it was early. After having breakfast we went to the beach and walked around and put our feet in the water to test what the water temperature was. To our advantage it was warm and we jumped and started swimming around and playing games with Dan and Fernando. The hours passed and the sun beams felt stronger , my mom came to us and asked us t start getting ready as lunch was about to be served. We all go out and got dried and ran into the house as we were ready to eat. We all ate all of the food that was served to us and were so full we decided to just hang out for a little before we went out to the beach again to do any other activities.
                I wake up and I look out the window of my room and I see Dan, Fernando, Michelle and my parents laughing and having a good time. I was furious as I realized that I had fallen asleep after lunch and everyone else had stayed up and were having fun and laughing with out me there. I jump out of bed and look at my clock to realize it was already there pm and I had missed hours of fun. I ran out the door and went to join the other and when I got there my brother was telling my parents how him, Fernando and Michelle had gone on the canoe and they were moving so much that they almost flipped the canoe. As I heard this I was even more furious as I had missed this adventure. As my brother and friends saw me they got quiet and they knew I was mad so they told me what had happened and told me that they didn’t want to wake me up as I looked tired.
                 They could tell that I was still mad that I had missed that adventure so they tried to make the rest of the day fun. The nest day I was sure not to fall asleep and everyone else was being kind of quiet and then my brother had the idea of going back out on the canoe so I could go with them and share an adventure with them. I was so happy, we got my dad to help us put the canoe in the water and he held it so that Dan, Fernando, Michelle and I could get on. We started paddling and we got to the middle of the ocean and we were all tired of paddling so we just sat there and talked and as we were telling a story my brother jumped up and the canoe was rocking really hard and we were laughing so hard that we ended up tipping the canoe over and got all wet and had to turn the canoe back over and get all of us back on and we paddled back to the house and laughed about that adventure for the rest of the trip. I was so happy that I was there for that adventure!


  1. I loved this story! It was kind of funny to me how you got upset cause they didnt wake you up to include you, but thats because I probablly would act the same way. You had really good details in describing what happend.

  2. Great story! Sounds like lots of fun with friends and family. It was a little wordy on some parts of your story. Overall awesome job though, good details and a cute story!

  3. Good description in your canoe adventure. I would have begun a lot sooner and narrow the post to talking about it rather than everything that preceded it.
